For People Who Want to Lose Weight Permanently in a Sustainable Way

I am here to change the narrative when it comes to weight loss and overall health and well-being. I am passionate about teaching other people how to build and restore a healthy relationship with food and how to live a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

The world doesn’t have a weight loss problem. The world has a PERMANENT weight loss problem. There are countless people losing weight every day, but unfortunately, most have a very hard time keeping the weight off.

There is a huge yo-yo dieting culture that is contributing poorly to people’s physical, mental, emotional, and social health. If it’s time for you to lose weight the healthy way, and never have to worry about it again, I’m here to help.

A Little About Sally

I’ve been working in the health and fitness industry as a Personal Trainer and Nutritionist for over 17 years and have coached hundreds of clients to reach their health and fitness goals. My curiosity and interest in nutrition and fitness were sparked 22 years ago, at the very young age of 14 and my passion for health led me to study a double degree in a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics and a Bachelor of Applied Science in Exercise and Sport Science. I said goodbye to the dream of being a medical doctor to dedicate my life to the prevention of poor health, rather than just helping treat it.

I’ve continued to educate myself in all things nutrition, fitness, and health, keeping updated with the latest scientific research and studies as well as the latest ‘trends’ in the industry. I’ve used myself as a guinea pig multiple times on different nutrition and training methods, protocols, techniques, and strategies. When I’m not working or training, I love to take courses, attend conferences, study, read and listen to podcasts on any topic of health. You could say I’m a bit of a nerd! With an insatiable appetite to learn AND help people.

My Personal Weight Loss Journey

Like most people, my weight has fluctuated over the years, mostly due to the type of sport I was competing in at the time. However, after the first lockdown in Sydney in 2020, I found myself at the heaviest and highest body fat percentage I had been in my whole life.

One day whilst I was getting ready to go out to lunch with my team to celebrate being back in the gym, I realised none of my clothes fit me! I had nothing to wear. As a health professional, I was so embarrassed and ashamed of myself.

That afternoon I sat down and wrote out a plan to lose the 10 kilos I had put on during the lockdown. I ended up losing 20 kilos in 24 weeks, dropping down from 28% body fat to 14% body fat with ease.

This is how The Permanent Fat Loss Solution was born. I’d created a method of not only achieving fat loss but in a sustainable way with permanent results. I became aware of why most diets fail; that they were missing integral steps to set people up for success.

The Permanent Fat Loss Solution Method

Most ‘diets’ set people up to fail when it comes to losing weight and being able to keep the weight off. In fact, 85% of people who lose weight on a ‘diet’ end up gaining the weight back within a two-year period. My method is designed to set you up for successful weight loss, meaning the results will be permanent through sustainable lifestyle change.

The Permanent Fat Loss Solution method is comprised of three main phases to set you up for success and permanent results:

1. Metabolic Restoration

2. Accelerated Fat Loss

3. Lifestyle Integration

Nutrition Coaching

Having education about nutrition science is one thing but knowing how to apply that information outside of a clinical setting is critical to my client’s success. There is no one-size-fits-all plan when it comes to your health, you are unique! For this reason, I specialise in individualised macro-based nutrition and lifestyle coaching programs to fit the goals of busy professionals, athletes, parents, and anyone looking to make their health a priority.

I do this by learning about the unique aspects of your life: career, family, social behaviours, health, and activity history, and work with you to create a plan that fits you and your lifestyle. Through a habit-based, non-restrictive approach to nutrition, you will never have to ‘diet’ again, just eat to work towards your goals, with a focus on progress, growth, and sustainability. We will partner together to ensure you have the tools and knowledge that you can apply to your life long term.

Training and Weight Loss

In terms of weight loss, your nutrition will have the biggest influence on HOW MUCH WEIGHT you lose. However, your choice of exercise has the biggest influence on the TYPE OF WEIGHT you lose.

Weight loss is achieved through energy balance, i.e., energy in versus energy out. However, we shouldn’t be looking to burn as many calories as we can through exercise, rather being able to burn more energy at rest and with increased daily activity.

So many people rely on cardio training “as a way to burn calories and fat.” Unfortunately for all that hard work, not much comes from it. Our bodies are adaptation machines and in terms of cardio, our bodies adapt very quickly to this type of training. Meaning over a very short period of time (3 – 4 weeks), we end up burning less calories for the same amount of time and intensity. This means we must continue to spend more and more time to achieve the same amount of calorie burn. What a bummer!

Instead, we should be looking at incorporating more resistance training into your training routine. If we build more muscle mass, we burn more energy at rest and our metabolism increases. Voila, we have just adjusted your energy balance which contributes to weight loss, but also making sure the weight we lose is FAT and not MUSCLE!


I became a certified Nuerotyping Specialist after I realized the impact and influence our personality and brain chemistry to have on our ability to successfully lose weight and achieve permanent results.

Your Neurotype (or personality type) gives us insight into the best training, nutrition, and lifestyle approach that will yield the highest level of consistency and ultimately the most sustainable results for you, as an individual.

The Neurotyping system is based on the principle that your brain chemistry influences your training preferences as well as how you will react to various training parameters like volume, intensity, frequency, variation, exercise selection, rest intervals, etc.

And since what we eat also has an impact on the various neurotransmitter levels, it stands to reason that there will be an optimal way to eat depending on your brain chemistry: the ideal eating pattern, food selection, and macronutrient ratios will vary depending on your specific Neurotype.


Mango and Passionfruit Yoghurt Chia Pots
Mini Pizza
  Roasted Tomato and Goats Cheese Tarts
Watermelon Lemonade


If you would like to enquire about nutrition coaching with help in regard to weight loss, general health and well-being, or performance, please fill out the form below and then press the SUBMIT FORM button.