My Personal Weight Loss Journey

Like most people, my weight has fluctuated over the years, mostly due to the type of sport I was competing in at the time. However, after the first lockdown in Sydney in 2020 I found myself at the heaviest and highest body fat percentage I had been in my whole life.

One day whilst I was getting ready to go out to lunch with my team to celebrate being back in the gym, I realised none of my clothes fit me! I had nothing to wear. As a health professional, I was so embarrassed and ashamed of myself. That afternoon I sat down and wrote out a plan to lose the 10 kilos I had put on during the lockdown. I ended up losing 20 kilos in 24 weeks, dropping down from 28% body fat to 14% body fat with ease.

Other people noticed the change in my body before I did. I was surprised when people commented on my transformation. I was just focused on the process and feeling better, rather than the goal. I think that is where a lot of people go wrong. We live in a world of instant gratification. Unfortunately, you just can’t throw money at the problem when it comes to our health and fitness, and it doesn’t happen overnight. It may work in the short term, but it most definitely doesn’t in the long term, this is a lifestyle change and forever change takes time. Focus on progress rather than perfection and don’t let perfect be the enemy of better.

I didn’t track my food intake until much later on my journey only because after years of tracking, I had an acute awareness of the macronutrient content of different foods. I just made better choices with my nutrition, but I most definitely didn’t starve myself. When I did start tracking just out of interest, I was eating on average 3800 calories per day, which is around three times the amount of food most people would consume on a diet! Eat more to lose weight? People thought and still think I’m crazy.

I had many people comment on my weight loss achievements with remarks such as “don’t you just want some chocolate?” or “Is all you eat your green smoothies?” or “How much cardio did you need to do?” These comments really hit me, but I wasn’t surprised because we are told we need to restrict and deprive ourselves, and to just eat less and move more.

Fun fact - I achieved this weight loss by eating chocolate every single day and without cutting out any food groups and without doing any cardio, apart from walking.

This is how The Permanent Fat Loss Solution was born. I’d created a method of not only achieving fat loss, but in a sustainable way with permanent results. I became aware of why most diets fail; that they were missing integral steps to set people up for success.